Goodnight, Orion
Goodnight, Orion;
Sleep well, brave warrior.
Lay your head in the hills of the heavens,
And rest those weary eyes.
Put your sword away;
The battles of today are done.
Sleep well, Orion;
Dream of the tomorrow
That you’ve already conquered
And dance in the celebration of its defeat.
Hear me, Orion,
Do not be proud,
As too much pride can kill a man.
Revenge comes to the proud like a scorpion
With his stinger ready for that one chance,
And one chance is all he needs
To bring you down.
But you, Orion,
Have the chance to escape the monster
That craves your destruction.
You have the opportunity
To surprise the hidden enemy
And heap fiery coals on his head.
With unconditional love.
Though he seeks to hurt you,
You must love him like a brother,
And what can conquer such love?
Sleep well, Orion.
Tomorrow comes, but it doesn’t know.
It never knows what you have in store for it.
The world is waiting for the wonders
You will leave in your wake.
Everything ends eventually,
So make well of the time you have,
And in doing so,
You will carry yourself closer to eternal life.
But for now,
Sleep well, Orion,
And goodnight.