Love Poem: Grace (Cont. 3 )

Grace (Cont. 3 )

I reminisce, of my lonely youth : every other month a different MOM and DAD.
        I often pretended to be happy : I never PRETENDED to be (MAD) or SAD.
        Excuse me sir; my name is GRACE We thank-you for your generosity.
        I look upon the innocent with their magical, mystical , hide me from 
everything cloak
        I  could see, through a tiny glimps of their eyes These children were strong 
as an oak.
        As I drifted, in a daze : my brain not cognizant; floating nowhere, until Grace 
       We are children of darkness, the daytime people look at us in disgust, we 
prefer night.
        Mama died, and DAD is LOST : I know not who to turn to; I cried somber 
tears :
                                                                     FOR THESE CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT

                                       ( to be continued )