Graceful Movement of Silence
The leaf of my love fell
in quiet autumn silence
Slowly descending
from the swaying limb
of unanticipated romantic tremors
Caught off balance was
my sense of equlibrium
Shaken by the sight
of a canvas beauty come to life,
I was shook loose from my branch
of librarian solitude
And the twirling leaf of my love
fell so softly into the lap of her open book ...
as she turned the page silently
contemplating ...
She wrote a beautiful passage
in her diary
about me entering her life
with quiet grace
Describing me as a brightly
burnished leaf with the markings
of a tiger lily butterfly,
she said I floated by her
nearly unnoticed —
Until she had to turn the page
of her life
And a slight, silent gust from the
wind of change
caused me to quietly fall into her view