Gracious Love Exposed
Scarlet thread around my heart does make me rejoice
Assuring the Lord’s love*, marvelously gracious
Securing forgiven soul from being anxious
Putting into humbled silence guilt’s mocking noise.
With radiant gold ribbon tying my black hair
I’m reminded of Christ’s grand compassionate grace
Divinely beautiful amidst evil's dark trace
Reaching down to me, offering His peace-filled care.
Wearing bright green scarf of printed birds flying high
I thank God for life, albeit fathomless, as gift
Thus, awed, yet never breathless for praise-thanks uplift
My faith serves while spirit toward Him draws nigh.
*Romans 5:5 “… The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."
March 2, 2020
4th place, "Writing Prompt - Ten Words" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Dear Heart; judged on 3/10/2020.