Grandma Rocking
Needed at least one hug today
Validation needed in something you might say
God help my grandson be okay
Reach down and heal his broken spirit if you may
Agony being felt by me
Longing to hold him on my knee
But the time is gone it can no longer be
How can I help him recover to be able to see
(This was written a long time ago...It is about my grandson who lives with me and has Huntington's Disease...He is 22 now and was told that he has the illnes at age l8 years old.HD is an inherited illnes that is caused by an abnormal repeat on a gene called the CAG gene..It is the G part of the gene that doesn't work correctly..It has to do with a protein that the body needs but for some reason the abnormal gene prevents the body from using this gene and this causes the brain to die prematurely..)