Remember my grand mother
Use to sit in the gallery
And what ever she wanted
Use to call my brothers or me
She was born deformed
But she never let it get her way
She would be walking with her stick
Going to make her garden everyday
She had the biggest garden
In the whole of ste Madeleine
With tomato, corn, peas, peppers,
Its how many of her days was spend
She would always be doing something
She just could not sit down
If she’s not with the chickens
She’s sewing and singing old Hindi songs
Many times we sit around her
She would tell us many stories
Of fairy tales and legends
Full of so many mysteries
And when there is a wedding
They would come for her on Saturday nights
She would sing with the drums and danthal
She was always the star in the spot lights
With small branches and nylon rope
She would make a Christmas tree
And when she was finish with it
Was the best you could ever see?
She liked to buy the blow up animals
And for Christmas put all in the gallery
Our gallery use to be so decorated
Can still see it in my mind so clearly
I wish I had talk to her more
There was so much I would have like to know
About her mother and father, brothers and sisters
But you only think about after the time past and go
Remember she use to say
Her big brother use carry her when she small
And while the others children use to be playing
He would not leave her alone at all
And how her mother was very beautiful
And her father use to protect her like gold
So many great history and memories
Is now silence never to be told?
If you have a grandmother
Just look how she’s finding things to do
To bring joy and happiness everyday
To show the love she has for you
When we are young we just don’t see it
Of all the history unfolding before our eyes
And we never really realize it
Until many years after our grandparents dies
A young girl will go thru the stages of life
Then become a woman with a family to
Then one day hear the words grandma
And when you look, they will be talking to you
Go to your grandmother reach out a hand
Tell her how she is precious and dear
Tell her you love her so she will understand
Because one day you could, wake and she will not be there