Granite Shell
prompt: Granite
To The Earth’s Lovers;
I am the result
When a burning, blazing
Untamed love
Is so quickly cut crimson.
Cold feet,
Once so searing,
An impossible neon colour
Of passion
Scorching souls,
Engraving in hearts,
I was that obsessive craving
that you so greedily welcomed
into your delicate thermoregulatory system
Feeding, so desperately, until…
Burning begins in a body
So frail, so disciplined, so aberrant
The pure steam of my favoured breath
singed the delicate, innocent eyelashes
right off of your malleable face.
So you put me out
Dumped me, if you will
Froze my love immediately
So that my molten core
was eclipsed by a jagged shell.
My heart; smeared with the ash
of 1000 departed loves.
And now, you walk over me
With your new, wooden woman.
Shaved, smooth, varnished to perfection
She will not leave her stinging kisses
Along your pliable chest.
I long ago became something else
Changed my anatomy
So I could brave out
The cruel stomping of a leaving lover,
But there are always naive flames about.
So as you stand
On my granite surface
Remember, my dear;
That wood will burn.