Love Poem: Grapeseed
Charles Hice Avatar
Written by: Charles Hice


The password was grapeseed she wanted to add a number but she was too 
careful not wanting then to forget it no she was not thinking rational she was 
trying to keep her secret. She filed it somewhere wherever it is that she keeps 
her treasures of her heart and never would reveal it not even if she were tortured 
she loves her love she has him kept in a heart of love turned from stone to pure 
sentiment and astonishment she has a full supply she never will run dry he 
needs it all a shallow bowl holding rain takes the edge off parch. A folding of my 
wings brought me gently back to earth to search again for love to stumble not to 
fall to lurch but not to crawl no longer worm in fear but man in love. The password 
that her lover used was seededgrape to echo hers. Just two lovers still in love.