Love Poem: Gratitude
Llayn Mays  Avatar
Written by: Llayn Mays


I'm grateful for this moment in time
I'm grateful for my wife
her unconditional love, and beautiful mind
I'm grateful for my happy mood
healthy, cool bright
child who
gives me hugs 
in the morning dew light
I'm grateful for my mother
and how she always
been earth underneath my feet
..never to fall away 
I'm grateful for my father
how much he's endured
still moves forward to achieve
he's stronger than me 
grateful for my big brothers
distant from me, survive independently 
longer than me 
I'm grateful for my pets
Sushi su..
and all my fur and feather babies
who crossed the bridge 
too soon
the world we go next 
grateful for my breath
grateful for the day
even if a tear I wept
grateful for the night.. grateful, Allah, for my life
but I ain't ignorant
there'll be nothing ever left
but the echoes of the light  
in the darkness of the depths