Gratitude For Truth As Beauty
Why is it that gratitude
as response to truth with beauty
seems universally consensual as Positive Psychology,
mental health,
appropriate respect for life's naturally secular graces,
and yet ego's truth as Earth's creative beauty
remains so unexplored,
anemically practiced,
hoped for
and, under a daily BusinessAsUsual radar,
not really even necessarily intended?
Always noticing bridesmaid,
hoping for such beloved gratitude,
yet seldom celebrated
as time's co-arising truth with beauty bride.
As I gratefully choose to see my EgoAnthro life,
our human cooperative lives grow eco-centered
thru Right hemispheric balanced harmonic primal function
as ego-centric Left hemispheric deductive languaged
regenerative long-term health outcome InFormation
from and thru inherited RNA fractal dialects
of Elder time's past bio- thru eco-systemic light-dark seasons,
revolutions of Earth's healthy developing nutritional evolutions.
Just so is Earth's leaded ironic value
in prescient pursuit of human nature's Golden Rules,
ReGenerations, Resonance, Resolutions,
Radiance, Radical Zeroism of TaoTime CoPresence;
recessive, concave, yin-implicate ordering flows
regenerating RNA/DNA beauty thru truth
CoOperative Association,
Mutual Acquisition,
Autonomic dipolar Apposition
co-arising political relationships
within ecosystems
with economically nutritional v. pathological WinLose transactions
within eco's RightBrained logic,
absence of cognitive-affective dissonance,
confluent dialectical ease thru disease,
dipolar bicameral lens
discerning regenerate development of EarthTribe health optimization trends
of Golden Ratioed 4D Bayesian SpaceTime complexity
of binomially shadowing information:
Where naturally interactive ecosystems notice health sustaining economies,
human biosystems find gratuitous faith
in co-investing mutually grateful political wealth.
To prove P is notnot to P
is not mine alone, you see,
but our universal group game theory zeroism projection
of YangYin dipolar mediocrity,
bilaterality of TaoTime's 0-sum eco-normativity,
of dynamic grateful exterior
over interior landscaped binomial ecosystemic EarthTribes
stringing temporal creation stories
back thru BlackHole stretching dual dark TransParentcy,
cosmology of yin dialects
multiculturally surfing RNA syntaxed fertile restorations,
Earth's great and small transitionally reiterative rhetorical events,
polycultural healthy climate outcomes
incarnating polypathic wealth-nurturing cooperatives
of endo- as ecto-symbiotic ubiquity
of RNA/DNA-structures Bucky Fullerite designing stretching fractals,
four seasonal dialects of resonant communication,
between YangOut as Janus face of Yin-InFormation's bilateral tempered balance.
Perhaps yin without yang is nihilistic chaos.
But, yin without yang could also be like white without black,
absence without pregnant fractal-fertile polypathic possibility,
where three spatial language dimensions
are each prime linear appositional as dipolar time,
noticing a folding-revolving appositional function,
hoping for a reiterative graceful refold,
prescient of faith in unfold's future primal regenerativity
to actively love future DNA health trends already co-present
prefolds of enculturing incarnate history
permaculturally systemic
within our own endosymbiotic DNA/RNA resonant health
as confluent harmonic frequencies of rich deep gratitude.
Perhaps Yang without Yin
is Allah without Earth
with all Her multiculturing dialectical Tribes
of InFormation
stringing regenerative tissues as issues
from one dominant-recessive generation
thru God of Evolving Time's ecobalancing futures
in truly co-invested political cooperatives.
Why is it that gratitude in response to truth with reiteratively resonant beauty
seems universally ecoconscious,
true bridesmaids
celebrating beauty co-messianic brides give away?