I lay awake at night, in the shadow of your dreams and wonder if your heart beats
in the same cadence as it did before. I grip the thoughts between fingers of historic
misuse, and hold as tightly as these shaken bones allow. I never wanted to be
condemned, but your wake pours over this frothy soul, and fills me with a need that
I have yet to fully understand. You are the gravity of my moon, sending brilliant surges
to a once empty and fruitless beach. I can feel your pulse, your warm and resounding
posture. It quakes within, and through my eyes, I cannot blink you away. This vision,
this novel and volatile perspective is the catalyst for the fury that I thought was lost.
Tonight, I pray your dreams shine alongside the stars I've seen in your eyes.
I hope your heart beats to the same song that crashes through me.
-James Kelley 2014, All rights reserved.