Gray Arched Bridge
Arched bridge across the pond
Inviting to cross into a dream
A dream of seeing the reflections
Of the beautiful weeping willow
Gray bridge do I dare cross
Over to the other side to meet
My love, the love of my life
The soul mate for which I long
To sit close to him reaching
Into the pond and feel the lilies
Soak in the white
With velvet green leaves
Should I stay, waiting for him
To call to me, then cross over
Your sturdy boards that are gray
From time and many crossings
Listen I hear my love
He calls arise come my love
Come refresh yourself from life
Feast on the beauty of lilies
Go I must into the dream
To refresh in his love my king
(Written after viewing Claude Monet's Water-Lily Pond- Symphony in Green)
Sponsor:Heather Ober
Contest: Famous Art