Gray Eagle
Bound to a promise to his dying chief
This mighty Cheyenne warrior knew it was a promise he had to keep.
He must bring back the daughter of Running Wolf for him to to gaze upon
One last time before he goes to his eternal sleep.
This brave took her from the only life she had ever known,
And holds her captive as they traveled far from this home.
On their journey to the village she began to notice a gentleness in this young Man,
He too he began to have feelings for girl and also knew he could never take her Back to her home again.
He looked at her and felt a burning desire deep in his soul,
A feeling he like pne he had never known.
Gray Eagle then knew his quest was over,
He knew in his hert and soul he no longer had to roam.
He knew that he had found his true love his Heart Song,
She looked at him and also knew by his side she would stay
By his side she would forever belong.