Green Eyed Jealousy
When green-eyed jealousy asserts her will
and apologies flounder in her wake;
promiscuity's no longer a thrill.
You can't avoid the acid tears that spill;
and beg for forgiveness, for pity's sake,
when green-eyed jealousy asserts her will.
When subtle looks adopt an autumn chill
and nights become impossible to take;
promiscuity's no longer a thrill.
Insults get exchanged with uncanny skill;
and your future happiness is at stake,
when green-eyed jealousy asserts her will.
If you find you need a drink or a pill,
and you're afraid your heart's going to break;
promiscuity's no longer a thrill.
Accusing words get increasingly shrill;
berating you for every past mistake.
When green-eyed jealousy asserts her will,
promiscuity's no longer a thrill.