Greener Grass
That is what he wanted,,
A change from where he grew up.
A novelty in his life
which pleases the eyes
And lures the heart.
What is new to him is old to another.
What is new path for him,
It's an abandoned one by another
All his life, he pinned for what was there ahead.
It gave him a focus, a motivation.
He strived hard to be up to it.
He cultivated himself with heart pace going steady.
He felt he made it at last.
But then realised all was good
to be part of the trick of fate.
To make him exert relentlessly.
He has reached somewhere which seems nowhere.
That tempting light on the horizon
Was nothing but an illusion.
He belonged here, where he grew up.
Love been around all the time
He never saw its abundance and its power.
It was that love that was here, always.
To support him...pull a warm blanket
Upon him when he was shivering with cold
and the fever of his obsession to succeed.
Years have gone..beautiful instances slipped.
He reached there but suddenly it's all blank.
Will he perish in anguish or will he walk back
To hug what he left behind?