Love Poem: Greens of Spring
Dr. Upma A. Sharma Avatar
Written by: Dr. Upma A. Sharma

Greens of Spring

Greens of spring

Comes in spring, bloom the greens, 
Perfect hues mark flawless screens,

Tender buds now yearn to thrive,
Bees are seen humming on their hive,

Colourful butterflies anxiously flutter,
Flowers eagerly lend their nectar,

Little ones play jolly in the streets,
Sky waits for birds to fly in fleets,

Vibrant shades entice a green eye,
Hurry the gloomy clouds, dolour belies,

Calls of spring, beloved will meet, 
Drowning in love, hazel green eyes will greet !

Written March 25th, 2015
For contest "Its spring- show me the green" by
Francine Roberts

Now entered into "Get your green on" old/new poem- poetry contest by PD A