Grownup Games
When you insist on playing grownup games,
you've only yourself to blame if you lose.
And though the rules are designed to confuse,
smoldering embers don't equate to flames.
Innocence can't protect you from love's pain;
like a moth, you're attracted to its flame.
And though it burns, you crave it all the same,
risking all, over and over again.
Unskilled in deceit and detecting lies,
you naively believed his love was true.
And yet, trust must share some of the blame too;
love's betrayal was a shocking surprise.
Your heart is drowning in a pool of tears,
devastated, you're unable to cope.
And clinging to flimsy fragments of hope,
possibilities have morphed into fears.
He swaggered off and didn't even look back,
his departing laugh, flippant and cruel.
And sobbing like an incoherent fool,
you suffered an anxiety attack.
(Enclosed Rhyme)