Guilt, Remorse and Sorrow
Guilt, remorse and sorrow
are the unrepressible emotions making me restless...
as they revoke their dreadful images,
leaving hot sweat on my wrinkled pillow,
and though I did hurt nobody but me:
it's a wound that will keep bleeding,
never finding that source of heeling;
and the longer I deny it, the more it haunts me!
God, give me Your revelation on how I should live,
to avoid the pitfalls that can make me stray;
God, I desire nothing more than mercy and joy!
I tread at the thought of the coldest grave;
locked in a coffin, buried underneath the heavy and damp soil...
with no air to breath, and no sun to feel and no love to give!
God, when my time draws near, all the bells will toil;
and will some of Your angels watch over my resting place?
If the main reason for being born is to build moral and character,
which deeds you demand of me that I perform in Your sight?
My ancestors sinned and I, too, must pay that price:
being imperfect and committing all kinds of vanities,
and still You consider me Your child and shine light on my path!
How ungrateful could I be with all the loving-kindness,
and undeserved generosity you shower me with...
when guilt, remorse and sorrow are all I have?
The older I get, the more frightened I am and all the foolishness,
which was evident in my erroneous lifestyle, loses its effect
and grip on me, revealing itself in that contagious and ugly aspect;
and who could return to the sinful ways and do more harm to himself?
I advice others to heed and redeem themselves before time prevails,
and offers no other chance at salvation! When I will be dead,
this voice will cease to speak...and I won't be found where the evil spirits loom;
and without guilt, remorse and sorrow I will be another corpse in that tenebrous tomb!
Copyright 2009 by Andrew Crisci