Love Poem: Guilt
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


I feel the weight of my sin
Surrounding me with fear
I look at my own heart and spirit
And know that it is only God’s forgiveness
That will keep me from losing my will
To begin another day, another way

I’ve lost my fight a few times
And found that I needed to decide
Between worldly love and Godly love
I always want the One from above
The answer to all my prayers
The One who makes me fully aware

I know I’m not perfect and I sin
Even when I’d like to be flawless
There are days when I can’t feel Him with me
Even though I know He is, He is alive
Guiding me through the worst and 
Helping me to make it when I’m hurt

I doubt that I’ll ever be able to go to Him
On bended knee, without saying “I’m sorry”
For some mistake or misdeed, some sin
That is haunting me and leading me astray
Carrying me away, to a loss of purity and hope
Into a struggle for the joy that lives in my soul

I welcome the opportunity to love unconditionally
Without sin coming between me and Him
The One who lives within me, leads me and keeps me
Feeling so sure that life is meant to be led
With Him in control of my will, alive in my spirit
Providing me with ample chance to be filled with grace

I know that I will always look around me and see
That I’ve sinned in ways that I could never pretend
To ignore or disregard as something I’ve not done
The feelings of shame are there and they’re no fun
They lead me to open my heart to the Father of all
And listen to the small still voice that whispers…

“He is within you and He is with you and He will listen”
Thankfully, I know the joy of His faithful friendship
And I know that He forgives and fills me with compassion
Without His love, I am nothing, less than a human being
With Him, I’m wise, strong, alert and filled with true love
With Him, I’m sure to know the meaning of His words

And I continue to listen to that still small voice…
Alive with faith, hope and love from above