Guts and Gain - a Collab With James Fraser
When only hymns of old memoirs and faith starred,
as I lift my eyes, black! Blue is the sun and moon,
will shadows be my frown and sins my ground?
(Gone are the days of pleasure and days of sleep...)
Anxiety escalates clogging the wise thoughts flow,
light saving courage, bravery where are you?
Let your whispers hiss amidst these dreary earth,
stillness the loyal choir escorting my shuddering nerves,
strum! Strum of strength and speed on two heartstrings
nudge like that of a dove, pure to drop: dash of love.
Spin and turn, crash and burn tests a true heart
though no medals, no points there to earn.
Ah! Mercy... within dreich woes is a distinct voice
handing a probable answer blowing mists of confused
An instinct. An impulse, should I believe or not?
I … listened but only a true love call casts our viscera to churn
sensing the tunes, steps ain't easy but I patiently learn
to taste the essence, I let my lips sway in liftless dance.
Please lie still yet moan on strums~ strums of my tips,
"Maiden, forbid me to go..." Trembles, trembles run echo:
one tenor, one alto, various pitch for evanescent tones
with a passion drenched within warmth of sheer ecstasy
the blend of love will spark, heating eternal flames
and if the world brushes darker shades of light--
consent our tomorrows to paint a canvass of life...
James A. Fraser and Olive Eloisa Guillermo
9:21 pm, July 04, 2015