This time spent away , does
your love dissipate,or are you
the one that is my fate, I don't
feel like thIs is a mistake, for
once I feel like this is a step I
must take, I just don't want
someones love if it is fake, this
question I asked will you let
me be part of your fate, the
chemistry could always make
yOur legs shake , because i
just wanna know what's the
next step to take, just give it a
shot you might just get what
you desire most, we need to
know deep within that our lives
are more than just ghosts , I
never want you struggle with
fear it's just toast, this virus
called love I've become its
host, Don't forget the toast ,
there is no need to boast but it
happened anyway , even if you
don't know what to say,leave
me a message and someday
we may play.