Love Poem: Handiwork of God
Beata Agustin Avatar
Written by: Beata Agustin

Handiwork of God

The Lord offered His wondrous love Bringing forgiveness from above I’m handpicked. Upholding my faith’s fervent zeal His truth-covenant shows great seal: God’s handshake. Saviour’s branch I am; He’s the vine My heart accepts His work divine as handmaid.* Mighty sovereign of my soul He leads toward triumphant goal not offhand. With Christ making my life blissful I thank Him, being His grateful handiwork.
*Luke 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word… May 13, 2020 5th place, "A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1218" Poetry Writing Contest Sponsored by Brian Strand; judged on 5/22/2023