Happiness is when you start living life
Instead of just existing in a lot of strife
Happiness is when your head is clear
Instead of full of doubts and full of fears
Happiness is when you do what is right
Instead of wanting to fuss and wanting to fight
Happiness is when you show love to each other
Instead of thinking you’re better than another
Happiness is when you help those who are in pain
Instead of turning your nose up making them feel shame
Happiness is when you give a helping hand
Teaching those who hurt so how to stand
Happiness is when you learn to love yourself
Instead of showing disrespect to one self
Happiness is when you reach out to those
Instead of you feeling tired and feeling old
Happiness is when you continue to fight
Instead of wanting to give up on life
Happiness is when you’re mad or sad
Then do something that makes your heart glad
Happiness is when there is a need of change
Instead of wanting to remain the same old way
Happiness is when you do goofy fun stuff
Instead of making unnecessary noise and thinking that you’re so tough
Happiness is being filled with God’s peace, grace and love
That flows down from heaven up above.
Proverbs 16:20
He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good
and who so ever trusted in the Lord, Happy is he.