Love Poem: Happiness after heartbreak
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Written by: Noelle Fulham

Happiness after heartbreak

It's tough I know, moving on
From a long relationship, now sadly gone
You sit and cry and reminisce
Of all the memories you Yr first kiss

You go through life with its ups and downs
Sharing the worries the tears the frowns
Children come along with such joy
A girl and a boy

Life is good and well
The children grow up and sadly leave as well
Then there's just 2 of us back to square one
Looking forward to our future, it will be fun

But no sadly it didn't turn out that way
Another woman came his way
We never know what lies ahead
Darkness just filled my head

It's very tough, I won't lie
You go into a dark place for quiet a while
Confidence is on the ground, asking Why??

Time moves on and so does life
With hard work you let go of being the wife
You will be OK. I promise you that
A stronger person puts on a new hat

So don't be frightened if this is you too
The sun will come back shining for you.