Winning big in a lottery,makes me happy,
lavishing money on booze,that I won`t copy,
As I celebrate with people,I`m with my senses,
unlike many,that talk without minding their tenses,
I shower encomiums on my lady for her beauty,
even though her behaviour is sometimes nasty,
I still love and cherish her like lovely red rose,
which has made many ladies to pay her with full dose,
Hatred and jealousy cannot stop this sweet sensation,
for my mind is made up and full of expectation,
Dames have tried to win my heart in the past,
pretending to care,but this did not last,
I`m happy our reputation they could not tarnish,
which makes our love life to continue to flourish,
God has given me this wonderful jewel,
which made me bid others ~farewell,
I will be happy and will continue to be happy,
when all these pressures stop making me feel creepy,
I`m prepared to spend my dough and my days with my damsel.
Olusegun Arowolo;CONTEST:"Happy New Year(s)"by Francine Roberts