Happy Birthday, Jesus
You came to us, a light breathing hope
Inspiring us to give from the heart
The best we have, our toil and talent
All that we are – blessings from the soul
You gave to us, a precious living peace
Whispering through the depths of spirits
Feelings both fulfilling and heartening
Beauty breathed into joyful impressions
You knew us – the depths of our hearts
Taught us about hope and faith
Sent us the heavenly hues of amazing
Grace – salvation’s gentle touch
You filled us, encouraged the best there was
A sense of contentment, blowing on winds
Of soft, soothing sentiments, - a embrace
From the sunshine rays that lighten our days
You remind us, with hues of happy lights
Filling the eyes with sparkles that sigh
With dreams that hint at prayers and praise
Combined to caress the soul with love
Love that can only be found in You, the One
Who created us and gave to us – light
Shining bright through the worst that comes
Awakening us to the realization that You are
The answer to our yearning for a good life
A good heart, a good way to give back
A part of the blessing You have prepared
With each gentle breath of your loving word
Revealing to us – this birth that granted us
A purpose for sharing the love that You are!