Happy Birthday Sis
H eaven delivered you this special day,
A llow me to thank God in some kinda way.
P recious as you were when you arrived at birth,
P robally the cuttest little girl on earth.
Y es, it is true, that day in September, God gave us you.
B irthday present to our beloved mother,
I ronic as that was we wouldn't have asked for any other!
R enee is what they named you on this day filled with bliss.
T hey can call you that I'll stick to calling you sis!
H onored that I am lucky enough to be your baby brother,
D elighted and overwhelmed that we grew up together.
A lthough we didn't see eye to eye all those years,
Y ou're still my sister and for you I'll always cry real tears.
S ister, I love you for being my absolute very best friend.
I 'll always love you sis, that's the truth and not pretend.
S o Happy Birthday Ne-Ne,
and hopefully this poem makes all your troubles go away!