Happy Father's Day: Your Sweat Is My Increase
your left hand was hard, but your right, gracious
putting me in the balance of Love
of which its fulcrum is discipline and respect.
Your weaknesses were classified
just to ensure I see beyond mine
Your chastisement was not without pain
of which its appreciation
is a strong indicator of my gradual maturity.
You always guard the gates of my territory like a Centurion
and fight against all antigens like a warlock.
You taught me how to be complete
and provided the staff and Ass
as I journey across Life and appreciate.
I initially thought of you differently
when you gave me the partially made sandal,
when you refused to help with the air-tight metal box,
when you gave me bone while milk was still my best delicacy
when you laughed at me while I'm confused
and worst of all, stopping Mum to come to my rescue.
I never knew they were task of Life I most needed,
finishing off the sandal made me industrious,
opening the box, made me determined and never relenting,
chewing the annoying bone made me grow up;
your scorn and laughter actually made me decisive
and rescuing myself made me independent.
All these sum up to making me a MAN!
Which makes you my Hero and role model.
Before I was, there was you;
in fact, I am in existence because of you.
I've always clinged unto you as my Life's support
but you allow me make my mistakes
so as to be the best gadget.
Your regulation of Mum's affections
only makes me be an unspoilt egg.
I always increase when you sweat
and your headaches are stepping stones to my zeniths.
You are such an irreplaceable asset
and your love, so refreshing as the evening air.
What more can I say and how else can I show gratitude?
As much as I know, you need none of these,
One thing I must always say is,