Love Poem: Happy Mother's Day
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Written by: Jerry West

Happy Mother's Day

It is on this day that I must admire
Thinking back to the days when your “tough love” seemed to never tire
    And the thought of a shoe still sends chills up and down my spine
Oh wonderful woman, this mother of mine

With footwear in hand and compelling suggestions to see your way
It is not difficult to understand the knowledge of life that I have today
But to only remember the fear of these two 
One, the Good Lord Almighty and the other “the shoe” 

Remembering well all of the stories I told
Then fearfully watching your wrath unfold
The punishment of “the shoe” was well deserved
And how your abundant love was well reserved 

Remembering all of our “one-sided discussions”
Some resulting at the cost of a mild concussion
Dear mother, it is with confidence I can say
The love of my mother I would never change in any way

My mother dearest filled with love galore
It is the love you have for all I do adore
For it is the Fear of God and the Love of The Lord I remember most
And on this day it is my dearest mother I do boast