Happy Mother's Day
A life of love, a life of happiness,
A life without tears, a life without distress,
Given by the one whose love for me doesn't falter,
The one I dearly love, the one I call my mother,
She has been there for me when no one would,
She has been there for me when my father should,
But she stood by me through thick and thin,
That's why I love her deep down within,
She provides my wants and what I need,
So I will make her proud an surely succeed,
What I'm doing to show my love is very poor,
And honestly I know she deserves so much more,
She had me so young when she didn't had to,
She put down her life and to me she didn't turn her back to,
I love her with all my soul and all my heart,
I will love her to the finish and 17 years ago it had start,
I've lived with her all my life,
From she was single and now she's a wife,
But I know her love for me is far different,
Providing my needs even when she has to pay the rent,
I'm sorry if I hurt you or made you cry,
But I promise to make happy tears flow from your eye,
If you were to go I don't know what I would do,
So I'm telling you deep from my heart that I Love You......