Love Poem: Harbinger the Traveler
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Written by: Keith O.J. Hunt

Harbinger the Traveler

From the windy land the traveler took flight,
   his heart in his pocket and on in the night,
   he set forth --- to the north, the cooling spring;

Yet his heart did not sing, nor his steps drink

   to the tune of friends of old,

   but he welcomed the evening 

   and braved the cold

To the stars he gazed above, delighted

   to see his love in times afar;

On the wind she was ---- and in every nestle,

   seasoned joy, she lay everywhere

   he could not deny;

   in the moment ---- the bite of his wine,

   all things pretty and divine, she was

Down on the skyline the haze of yesterday

   yawned away, to pink the day

   in purple tomorrow;

   the world waited like a nightingale,

   the seasons passed, warm, hot, snow;

And it had been some time ago

   since the sleeping city;

   the pulsing harlot ---- he took pity

   with such amity

To the ends of the world he had gone,

   every corner and beyond

   and found his love in a song,

   in a patch of lilacs the road along;

And never looked back, loosed his pack,

   and keeping to the footpaths ----

   bridled like a groom:

   became perfectly glad