Love Poem: Hard To Take
Emanuel Carter Avatar
Written by: Emanuel Carter

Hard To Take


He was sure that for most 	
of his life he’d been a dangerous
prescription, wrapped in caveats
and warnings such as:
don’t mix, ask your doctor, must
be twelve years or older, take
with whole milk or food or risk slow
painful death……
For way too many years he was sure
that his forehead projected disclosures
and chilling disclaimers: 
not covered by insurance, might make
you dizzy, don’t drive after taking or
operate machines, use only for seven
days but not if sunny, cold or wet…...  
His good second wife misunderstood this
advice, had reached out to this man, actually
sought his awkward presence, and with a
joyful dyslexia misread the information that
had saved others so much grief
She began to take him each day, then 
every hour day and night with lots of
veggies and tea and with reckless
disregard for those annoying side effects 
and those dangerous irritations such as
laughter, love and trust; she found a
prescription that works – a testosterone
therapy that might upset her stomach
but almost always warms her heart! 

Emanuel Carter