Love Poem: Harmonies
Master Jones Avatar
Written by: Master Jones


She lives inside of me,
In the secret catacombs
Of my soul.
She's there, in every
Step I take
Calling me back home,
Where its warm
Where its safe..

She doesn't know
Where I am.
The birth of my dreams,
In her eyes and mine.
She smiles
Her perfect smile
To cataracted eyes
Now unappreciative..

Two parts of one
lost forevermore
I can't contain
This red super giant
My pain, pulsing
A painful reminder
Of how fated love
Became an abyss..

How did I refuse
Her celestial grace?
Her beauty,
A reason to believe
In His grand design.
How did I turn
My back
On sunlight..

I've never cared
to look for another.
My heart, I know,
Was truly lost
The day she left.
Slowly the eclipse
Crept towards my
My soul bereft..

I hope that she
Is always happy
No matter where
She may be.
I'm happy that for
A moment
The sun danced
Around me..