Why are we considered different because of the colour of our skin
We may differ on the outside but are all the same within!
We are all human
All breathe the same air
All have needs and wants
All love, feel and care
We all have strengths and weaknesses
Have dreams and fears
We all feel joy and happiness
Feel sorrow and shed tears
Yes ,we are all individual
Outwardly not the same
Inwardly we are all equal
We are all special beings and all have a name!
We do not always understand others
Or agree with what others may do
That’s what makes us human
Makes us, me and you
As long as we keep it simple
Show respect, be fair, be kind
No matter the colour of our skin
Or cultural differences….we are the same
In heart, spirit, soul and mind!
If we all lived together in harmony
What a better place this world would be!