Love Poem: Haunted by Your Ghost
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Written by: Litan Dey

Haunted by Your Ghost

Each dawn, I wake up to the ghost of your voice,
Your words I once cherished, now haunt my choice.
For without your tender touch, the night stands so still,
No comfort is found, as darkness brings its chill.

Deep within my restless mind's endless bounds,
A tempest rages, leaving peace seldom found.
Where joy once danced, now sorrow takes its place,
Every cherished moment is now held in your embrace.

Your love was sweet rain, a torrent I couldn't grasp,
All I treasured, now slipping from my clasp.
Shadows consume where sunlight used to beam,
Your presence lingers in every darkened seam.

My once vibrant spirit, now cloaked in despair's hold,
Stripped of the radiance that warmed my soul.
Each dawn, I wake up with your voice ringing clear,
But without your tender touch, the night brings no cheer.

With you, I thought I would find life's missing key,
But now I am adrift in a sorrowful sea.
You slip away, a mirage in the haze,
Real or imagined, your absence, a daze.

My thoughts scatter, lost in the void you left behind,
Haunted by your memory, relentless, unkind.
Each dawn, I wake to the ghost of your voice,
But without your tender touch, the night leaves no choice.

The moon watches silently as my soul takes flight,
All I cherished now lost in eternal night.
Shadows embrace me, robbing me of sight,
Yet my mind rebels, turning from the blight.

Each day begins with memories of your touch,
But without your embrace, night's solace I clutch.
The moon bears witness as my soul takes flight,
All I held dear now swallowed by the night.