He Hears the Tears
He Hears The Tears
By Curtis Lee Johnson
Ever observe ice cycles falling from roof tops?
Until they’re gone, they go drip, drip, drip, nonstop
Have you ever took a notice to your tear drops?
Those precious tears are more than wet dots
Sometimes when you're crying all alone
You’re in a parked car, or in your home
Someone made you sad, and did you wrong
Your ‘tear senses’ have a language of their own
Their true meaning can be seen
Their seasoning can be tasted
They are smooth to the touch
Falling silently from your eyes
Tears are born, but never dies
They have a language very strong
Tears will lead us from the wrong
Freed from the source, they pour
A thousand emotions from the core
Afraid to cry? Listen at you
Most of us don’t have a clue
Our tears may flow many or few
Like sunshine comes and melts the dew,
God is very near, with love, to embrace me and you