Love Poem: He Is Here
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

He Is Here

In the sky, where hearts delight,
In the sun, who ends the shadow,
In the stars, reflections of hope,
In the trees, a million pleasures,
In the birds, signs of His love…

He is there, always where we can know,
Beyond the moment,
Love just grows and grows,
Blessings who flow from the beautiful
Who abides with the One,
The One who made a way for love.

In the music, where the heart breathes,
In the poem, which lets the light in,
In the artistic, beautifully painted thoughts,
In the imagination, where joy lives,
In the clever, who believe He is….

There is the promise of love that is honest,
Love that grows and knows,
Love that never slows,
Love that overflows with peace,
Love that always agrees, we’re blessed,
By the One who created us to be…

Children of the light, His light,
Friends of the One who will outlive the sun,
Children who He will guide to do what’s right,
Friends of the King who died for you and me,
Children of God, the One who brings true peace.

He is always there, always caring, always saving,
Souls who want His love, His peace and joy,
The assurance of a home in heaven, where He is interceding…

He is always there and He is always aware
Of our every need, of our every plea.
When we pray to Him, we know we have a friend
Who will answer and bless, a friend whose grace,
Stills the wind and stops the pain, remembering us…

When we pray, He makes a way.
When we praise, His love always…
Calms and cures, abides in the soul who knows…
With God, we never need to worry – 

He holds the key to our hearts and our souls,
He holds the answers to our every yearning,
He holds the hope, the faith, the love…

With Him, all things are possible – for the believer,
There is never a reason to fear.
With Him, the answer might fall in a tear.
The answer, my friend… He is near.
We never need fear, He is always here!