Love Poem: He Is My Home
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

He Is My Home

His love never fails, like a light who dispels Even the darkest night Ending all dread and fright His love, like the wind Kisses away the chagrined Defeating doubts with hope Assuring hearts they can cope. His love inspires my soul, Finds a way to make me whole, Without Him, I’d be so lost, Only love can know the cost. His love, abides within me, He won my heart, set me free. Without His love, I’d still be blind, He has blessed all humankind. His love fills my soul with light, Stills the fears with love so bright. Not one shadow can scatter His peace, Because of Him, assurance will never cease. His love, inspires me to give, With a full heart, one who’ll ever live, Because He is mine, I can believe, When He comes again, I will leave… To be with Jesus, my heart’s grace I can’t wait to see Him face-to-face. When I put my hand in His, I’ll see, Sacred love who paid the price for me!