Love Poem: He Is My JESUS
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


Wind breathes her song, a symphony
	Calling me home, restoring my heart
		With longing, broken stories of hope,
			Senses, joy, longing – amber and gold,
				Magnetic, inviting, victories…

She sings, like the peace in her wings
	Dressed in still shadows, her voice
		Trembling with grace, gentle praise
			Wonder abiding in the soul who knows	
				Her brilliance resonates with love.

Wind, still and flowing with comprehension,
	Intense as the stars who glisten so intimately,
		Lasting intuition, blessing hearts and souls,
			Feelings penetrated by the music in her light,
				Burning softly on the notes of such a sonata.

Concerto of still life, glowing with harmony
	That lives in the burgundy whispers of joy,	
		Falling from the indigo skies, the wind soft,
			Blowing in whispers of richest exaltation,
				Praising the One who sings each note…

With grace that saves the soul from the worst sins,
	Forgives, restores, protects the soul from a past,
		Where there is nothing but pain and rejection,
			A past where there is only the darkest misery,
				Where life was once a fear rising up in me.

Wind sings her intriguing grace through me
	And I remember the way His love rescued me
		And I know that I’ve found the answer, the peace
			That comes from knowing the One who saves
				Completely, with love that will never leave me.

In the wind, where the song hesitates to remember me
	I hear His love, softly playing in melodies of light,
		Reminding my heart, my soul, my spirit – eternity
			With the One who called me home with His light
				Is only a moment away, just one moment away…

And I’ll hear the music playing through the hearts of those
	Whose words meet with the angel’s harps, the angel’s notes
		Playing tunes of hope, peace, love that will never deceive,
			Love that is the reason I can sincerely believe…
				Forever, He is with me … forever, He is my JESUS!

Wind sings the tune, as I wait for the time when I’ll be with Him forevermore!