He Makes Me Feel
Through all the wounded and lonely scars and pain
The river endlessly flow of tears of hurt
I sit at a table trying to figure out what magic I should look for now that I am officially free
I look up towards the heavens, Thankful because my heart won't be apart from you ever again, my LOVE
You have come and rescued my mind, soul and spirit from the brokenness and the mentality that I do not have to settle
When I sit and look at what you begin to be for me
I say heart protector and mind keeper
You are the song that rings in my heart that's been inside my spirit all of my life
Wit a heavy heart
Not sure where to start
What I feel is that you will never hurtme, but your presence, your touch, your words have begun to give me a chance at love again
Am I fully available to give you me
Because he makes me feel like a Queen
By the look I get when our spirits connect with God for him to say it is well and it is good
In my essence of being his Queen
I look to him in complete reverence and say to him
You removed the wounds that were in the pathway of the journey to get to my heart
While wishing in the star of my ancestors
I grant you full access to all of me