He Shines
Light is the breathless spray
Scattering the darkness,
Drenching the spirit with joy
Misting the heart in hope
Applying love to the soul who
Knows that this light, the light
That comes from Him…
Is a light that shines brighter
Than the greatest shimmering
Star or moon – it is more vibrant
Than the most brilliant hue
It arises in the heart of those who know
He is the answer – the way, the truth
The life who makes a way…
This is the light that falls
From the whisper of a sigh,
Who sounds like a celestial poem
Being read by a beautiful voice.
It is a light that reminds the heart
To believe in the wonder and magic
Peace that breaks through the darkness
Surrounding each one with amazement
This light is the inspiration that thrills
The very bones, the very core…
With an elation that quivers, an exhilaration
That trembles, dancing in secrets
Calming the troubled feelings, erasing
Every doubt with the uplifting promises
Ensuring every dream will find a way,
Every heart will make it through the pain,
Every soul will know what it means to….
Embrace the miracle of this glorious spark,
This whimsical, wistful mystery…
Abiding deep within the one who knows
This light covers the entire earth
With a music that abides inside the heart
Dancing to the flames of passionate thoughts
Who know that the light He provides
Is so beautiful and so good that only His love
Could possibly come close to being so astonishing
Light this attractive – light this electrifying
Is light that comes from the spirit of love
Light that falls across those who need to hear…
His love is here – His love is alive – His love will guide
Listen to the song of the light… God is love
And Love abides inside where I know – He shines!
Genesis 1:3 KJV: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.