Healing Hands
Early morning, donning cloak of anonymity
Magnetised palms draw in healing light divine
Manifesting therein a detached desire in serenity
As but an energy conduit, Gods touch alone divinity
Our action being simply to loving intent so align
Early morning, donning cloak of anonymity
Flower radiating fragrance in continuity
Releasing into void pheromone as He assigns
Manifesting therein a detached desire in serenity
Love an innate pull, a yearning, not mere call of duty
Our outpouring ceaseless without any deadline
Early morning, donning cloak of anonymity
Head and heart melded in singularity
Bliss mist elixir that no power may confine
Manifesting therein a detached desire in serenity
The visible universe manifested by hearts creativity
We as interface magnetised healing pulse refine
Early morning, donning cloak of anonymity
Recognising ego doership cause of fatality
We are a mirror as Gods radiance does shine
Manifesting therein a detached desire in serenity
Devoid of fears or earthy desires or doubts of self-pity
Essence of presence relies upon powers benign
Early morning, donning cloak of anonymity
Purity of heart causation birthing reality
We murmur prayer, then in surrender, recline
Manifesting therein a detached desire in serenity
Oh hermit! Seek not from dreams certainty
Outcomes as may be any, with the divine entwine
Early morning, donning cloak of anonymity
Manifesting therein a detached desire in serenity