Love Poem: Health and Wealth-Care Doctors
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Health and Wealth-Care Doctors

In this lifeskills class in political economics,
we look at politics as healthy power
and economics as wealthy flow
of cooperatively held assets 
and win/win co-passionate resources,
investments in polycultural symbiosis
and disinvestments from monoculturing politics
bad relationships and nontransactions of hoarding
and competing discommunications
suffering monolithically
Anthro-centric LeftBrain dominance.

This lifeskills class
may also reconsider
where paying-it-forward economics
and democratically cooperating politics
lead to healthier and wealthier outcomes
for society
and all Earth Tribe cultures
than patriarchal capitalist
systemic RightWing trauma.

If economic flow 
and co-investment balancing function
are sacred,
then politically interdependent relationships
might be divine,
designed with therapeutic intention
co-arising positive wealth-care practice.

We might conclude this lifeskills class
for medicinal doctorates in health optimization,
with some split-brain research
concluding that RightBrained politics
can only Be present
with graced ego/eco-proportional presence,
a non-languaged 
root systemic
HappySpace of co-empathic confluence 
with Positive Political Psychology.

Meanwhile, LeftBrained evolving economic function
flows from past to deduct-reduct-redact,
then re-language
a lexicon of future's felt win/win v. win/lose
v lose/lose mind/body 
wealth/health frequencies,
stored in dialectical strings of DNA
back through transgenerations of space/time 

This politics of Right's timeless-present
political grace
informs Left's economic discernment
of sacred cooperative space
as primal relationship of Self+Other,
as Yang-AnthroMind with Yin-EarthBody.

We could conclude this lifeskills class
intending to elect political leaders
to deep listen to economic
nutritional wealth mentors
speaking compassionately
about how to grow healthy
co-empathically powerful

Which may require letting go
of Earth's monotheistic-capitalist
systemically traumatized clergy

Supporting God's BeLoved People
with competitive win/lose
missionary economics, 
silently sustaining
unhealthy ordained gurus 
and mono-theistic
unwealthy politicized thugs.