Love Poem: Hear Me
Merci Whitney Avatar
Written by: Merci Whitney

Hear Me

Wondering if he can hear me?
Does she even see my face?
Can he hear sounds from my heart beat?
Can he sweep her off her feet?
Does she know I love her so?
Does he know I watch his every move?
When will he come and take me away?
Can't she feel me watch her every day?
Will he talk to me?
Will she come close?
When love is real nature takes its place.
Nothing stops it at any pace.
Is love still thought of as fairy tales?
It move on and always prevails?
Sometimes in life we ask these things.
Next thing you know the telephone rings.
It's the voice we longed for in all these things.
A dream comes true no matter what you do. In our hearts we knew.