Love Poem: Hearts of Freedom And Love
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Written by: Curtis Johnson

Hearts of Freedom And Love

1.  "I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it..."  E.E. Cummings

Freedom and love were God-breathed into the heart of every one of us.
Loving our neighbor binds his heart to ours before we bite the dust.

Every living species longs for love and freedom;
But freedom must be accompanied by wisdom.

If we are the least considerate,
We must also learn to tolerate.

We must long for responsible liberties
Properly seasoned with sensibilities.

Give me the freedom to belong
As well as the freedom to be alone.

Give me the freedom to grow
And the freedom to stay or go.

Give me the freedom to pursue knowledge
Whether self-taught or learned at college

May I with diligence guard my heart
Without tearing your heart apart.

When my heart is heavy and sad,
Carrying your heart makes Me glad

There is what is called tough love.
But it too comes from above.

Freedom to roam
Or to relax close to home.

Freedom to sit, walk, stand, or fly.
Freedom to say hello as well as goodbye.

Freedom to be one's self without confrontation.
And to exercise my rights without frustration.

Freedom, like those described in the US Bill of Rights.
Such are well suited to take us to the greatest heights.