Love Poem: Heartstrings
Akshata Arun Avatar
Written by: Akshata Arun


When your world is engulfed in darkness,
I shall give you my sun
If your luscious blue river stops flowing,
I shall give you my ocean
When you lose resolve,
I will lend you my heart
For it is you who I yearn for
None, but you. 
When your land turns arid,
I shall give you my clouds
When you lose your vision,
I shall give you my eyes
And when you feel lonelier than ever,
I shall be by your side
For you are the one I yearn for,
None, save you.
When you lose your peace,
I shall give you my happiness 
If you ever love someone,
I wish for you to get what your heart desires,
And I shall bear the sorrow,
For you are what my heart yearns for,
You, and only you.