Love Poem: Heat Strokes of the Heart

Heat Strokes of the Heart

Heat strokes heart spoke 
A beast a burden
What do you get when you sweat
You boast a glaring
A flaming cursed cardiac sensation

Heart loads of pleasure silky
Love strokes like a virgin
This love I can never ever
Get enough of
Measure for measure

Lightening flashes amorous
Enough love then trust
The sweat storming morning
Sighing I've tried and still trying I've
 tried contriving a more powerful love

Irresistible and conniving I swear
The allure is more than I can bear
Maximum effort different leverage
Heavy stokes scars I'm scared don't dear me
My throat is dry PARCHED 

I'm weary and wondering 
I'm wandering and leery fairly
I worry studying your attraction
You're flirtatious, you want action

This is the fiercest of burdens I seek to take
Pleasure in.   
I'm lingering leaning on the door frame
Is this a game, the audacity of my shame.
I remember Her name as it begins to rain.