Heated House of Horror
Heated house of horror roasting on open flames. When did this house cease to be a home. I quest when the secrets of our truths manifested in different outlooks on life and our personal agenda's started to involve other intimate partners other than each other. The rain leaked in through broken cracks of our once happy comfortable home. Now dread and resentment enter our emotions when we both return to enter into the fictitious shell of stability we've created and endure for the sake of appearance, the familiarity of family. While hoping and praying for a dramatic miracle to bring a positive change to our home. Will separation drain the pain and sorrow away from our failure at commitment. Broken promise to Love forever through good and bad. Is it sane or healthy to remain under the same roof when neither care or worry over what the other do. Numb love when we look at each other's face. Seeing images flashing in our mind of the person we fail in love with yesterday. For that true fact out of respect I pray to the creator Lord our God for the patients, kindness, and forgiveness for us both. To mutually agree on what direction to take our relationship next. Hopefully our friendship can remain intact even though our intimacy has fallen flat. Roasting on open flames forever my love will always remain heated with affection and a special love for u separation can never kill....
Continuing twilight nights and calm peaceful sunrises medication to move beyond our together dreams to the reality of separate paths. Pray we can hold on to the joy of the good days and clear our conscious of the bad. The experience matured the nature of our love is the sentiments we can share on our journey towards a brighter joyful future. True love never die, endures beyond all the inevitable goodbyes, do to life or death. I will always love u till my Last Breath....