Love Poem: Heaven Made
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Heaven Made

Make room for the light – twinkling in his eyes,
Music on fire, silencing the whisper of shadows,
Restoring the wonder, the grace, the feelings, so brilliant
Alive as the rising sun, who blends hope with expectation,
Grace with imagination, glory with hearts who’re praising!

Make room for the joy – shining in the souls,
Blessings through miracles, clues that restore the world,
With a witness, a truth, a glistening colored by love,
Kindness in hearts who hear God’s voice, still as grace,
Falling over the shadows, in melodies of light,
Flowing through the night, clever as dawn and wise,
Bringing a hope to the lonely soul, 
Trembling with joy, faith – the belief
In the light that never dies, the light that inspires
Hearts to believe, joy to receive – a purpose,
Who is lasting – He is the answer for me!

Make room for the amazing – what He can do!
Let’s praise Him!
We’re like clay in the potter’s hands – we don’t know His plans,
But He takes each moment, each prayer, each hope,
Combines hands of healing, hands of grace, hands of light,
And soon we will see – beyond our wildest dreams,
The conclusion is more than the end – it is the beginning,
A place where everything that is…
Becomes more like Him, our Savior, our Friend,
The reason that our souls have been freed,
From the terrors of a loneliness that bleeds sorrow,
Into every tomorrow, a pain with nothing to gain,
A doubt that’s been lost, because we were surely found!

Make room for the grace, the faith, the assurance…
Forever has wings – His light neve fades and shines like love,
Falling down from God above, so we can surely see…
Through the darkness whose shadow can still – the broken,
The erring, the dread, the barren… He is alive
And, with faith, we’re sure to survive – wherever He goes,
I’ll follow and hope, I can someday become – the soul breathed light,
Whose destiny is a silent sigh, a trembling truth, a promise…
Written in the wings of angel’s taking flight,
Written in the stars who glisten through the night,
Written on the hearts who believe He is right,…
Wherever there is God, there is love that abides,
Stirring the heart with a light, His endless grace,
Poured out on this world, never fading, always raising…
Souls so they can see – there is hope in eternity!

Wherever He is, I can see…
	Through the shadows of silent pain,
	Through the ache that makes me flinch,
	Through the darkness of my circumstances,
		Into the reflection of a love that saves,
			Love breathed from His grace.
				Love that will never fade.
					Love that restores faith.
						Love that is heaven made!