My anger wells in my eyes
Why does she threaten me so
A different look, her different size
Ears burn red, they almost glow
Is it hate, envy, jelousy.... love
Why would I want to be anyone but me
She would fit like a glove
But disfigurement is all I see
He loved her once and maybe still
Secrets kept deep within him
A mountain to climb instead of a hill
I hang here way out on a limb
Her green eyes drown my blue
A smile that cuts me deep
My sorrows fade in me, through & through
For its his heart I shall keep
Passing through, a winter storm
Cold to the bitter end
I can see through to your real form
This heart is now mine to mend
A faint memory of what once was now
Grey eyes do gaze
I'm pleased with my work and shall take a bow.
For together we've made it through this maze